Girls Just Wanna Have Fun



I have been very lucky to meet a lot of awesome, interesting people here at Carleton, making friends through my classes, clubs, job, dorm floor, and just meeting new people in the dining hall. 作为一名导游,我经常被问到的一个问题是:“如何 Carls spend their weekends?“嗯,对我来说,每个星期五晚上都有同样的活动:女孩之夜! My friends Chloe, Emily, 凯蒂和我聚集在古德休大厅艾米丽的房间里,回顾上一周的事情, eat snacks, 通常只是享受彼此的陪伴来庆祝周末的开始. 

克洛伊,艾米丽,凯蒂和我在大一的第一周就认识了 Womxn’s Club Soccer practice. From there, we bonded at practices, games, 还有社交活动,直到我们开始在足球之外混. Now, Emily, Kitty, 我很幸运能作为队长一起领导足球俱乐部, and Chloe plays on the varsity team. So, soccer is still a big part of all of our lives. 但当我们不计划足球训练或设计运动衫的时候, we spend time doing other activities together.

Midwinter ball
The four of us with our friends Sophia and Zoë before the Midwinter Ball our freshman year. 我们六个人继续一起踢俱乐部足球,并期待着我们能在仲冬舞会上一起跳舞!


  • Movies
    • 在忙碌了一周的课程、家庭作业和课外活动之后,Chick-Flicks是必须放松的.
  • Playing board games and card games
  • Too many puzzles
    • Emily, Kitty, and Chloe are puzzle enthusiasts. Emily keeps a puzzle under her rug and every Friday, we roll back the rug to reveal a half-completed puzzle. 艾米丽和她的室友是如此的热情,他们正在努力建立自己的校园拼图俱乐部!
I asked my friends for a picture of them puzzling, 凯蒂给我发了这张照片,黄色的箭头指向了画面外的拼图. 如果你不喜欢加入艾米丽的谜社,没关系,因为有 313 student-run clubs and organizations on campus. 你甚至可以像艾米丽那样根据自己的兴趣创建自己的!
  • Proofreading papers
    • 有些星期,我们太忙了,没有一个晚上专门用来娱乐. 最近几周,我们仍然点披萨,并在工作之余抽空聊天, but we also help proofread papers, test out computer science projects, and read one another’s job/internship applications. 你会发现GG电子官方软件下载有一个协作的工作环境,学生们更关心同龄人的心理健康,而不是他们的GPA. 这感觉不像是我们在相互竞争,而是一起努力,尽我们所能做到最好.
  • Baking pancakes and cupcakes
    • Kitty and Emily especially love to bake. 克洛伊和我在凯蒂和艾米丽争论最好的糖霜食谱和如何翻转煎饼时提供精神支持.
这个学年,克洛伊随身带着一个一次性相机,拍下她做过的有趣的事情. 这是克洛伊给我和艾米丽拍的照片在我们为晚餐做的一大堆煎饼后面笑着.
  • Charcuterie board
    • 一个星期五晚上,艾米丽做了一个美味又漂亮的熟食板. Despite sitting on the floor of a dorm room, it felt very fancy to be eating crackers, cheese, and pear slices with friends.
  • Ordering pizza
    • 没有熟食店那么健康,但我们经常从当地的达美乐点披萨.
  • Face masks and painting nails
    • 另一种放松的方式是戴口罩和涂指甲. 克洛伊和我不小心把指甲油洒在艾米丽的床单上了, but she did not notice, nor care when we told her, so all is well.
kitty and chloe with ice cream
灾难发生前几分钟,凯蒂和克洛伊在艾米丽的床上吃冰淇淋. 不久之后,克洛伊和我把蓝绿色的指甲油洒在了艾米丽的被子上.
  • 从Blast那里买冰淇淋,在河边玩豆子游戏
    • 春季学期的几个周五,我们去了Blast, a new ice cream place in Downtown Northfield, and sat by the Cannon River that runs through town. 与我们激烈的豆子游戏形成鲜明对比的是,河边非常宁静和美丽. 艾米丽向我们介绍了豆子游戏,你可以通过交易豆子来种植最多的豆子. It sounds silly, but it’s super engaging.
  • Sleepovers
    • 冬季学期,艾米丽的室友在国外留学,而我是一名住宿助理,所以我有一间单人房, 我和艾米丽会在朋友家过夜,彼此作伴. 为了去上空手道课,我不得不在星期六早上起得特别早.

The most important girl’s night of the year: Galentine’s Day

We prepare for Galentine’s Day weeks in advance. 情人节是在情人节之前的星期五,人们穿粉红色和红色的衣服, eating lots of chocolate and candy, watching a rom com, and various other activities. This year Carleton had ice sculptures outside of Sayles, 所以我们看了看冰雕,从卡尔弗餐厅拿了些食物. 我们回到艾米丽的房间,她用我们最喜欢的颜色给我们画了我们最喜欢的动物. We also exchanged flowers through Friday Flowers 我收到了非常漂亮的情人节贺卡,我把它们钉在了宿舍的布告栏上.

Galentine's hug
Smiles all around at Galentine’s 2021. This upcoming year, Emily, Chloe, and I will be studying abroad, 但我们希望在西班牙见面,做一个情人节海外版.

Being there for each other through ups and downs.

If I have learned anything from my time at Carleton, 那就是有必要让自己置身于积极的环境中, loving people if you want to succeed. 这一切都取决于你是否有一个支持系统和时间安排给你关心的人.

在过去的一年里,闺蜜之夜是解决我们许多问题的良方. Didn’t get the grade you were hoping for on an exam? Girl’s night will solve it. 因为不能为管弦乐队演奏而感到沮丧? Girl’s night will solve it. Went on the most awkward date of your life? Girl’s night will solve it. 

Chloe Kitty Emily goofy photo
A goofy photo I found on my phone of Emily, Chloe, 我和凯蒂在走廊上写论文,而他们在玩香蕉拼图.

你可以看到,时尚女孩之夜是治疗任何大学相关压力的灵丹妙药. 而这个博客是我在GG电子官方软件下载结交朋友的经历,以及我周末喜欢做什么, 你会发现所有的卡尔都有兴趣和彼此成为朋友,并且无论他们的年级或兴趣如何,都愿意结识新朋友.

Kelly is a rising Junior at Carleton. She is a Psychology major and is considering a minor in Cognitive Science. Her other academic interests include Neuroscience and Educational Studies. 凯利把诺斯菲尔德当作自己的家,因为她在这里作为GG电子官方软件下载研究员度过了这个夏天. GG电子手机版下载,凯利喜欢为她的住院医生主持节目 Resident Assistant, 她是女子俱乐部足球队的队长之一, and playing the cello in the Carleton Orchestra. Meet the other Bloggers!