
欢迎来到牧师办公室! View the list of frequently asked questions that we often hear at the Chapel.

We know religion inspires a lot of questions, conversations, and emotions. We hope that some of the answers below help explain what the Chapel does, 我们的信仰, 我们如何理解宗教和灵性, and why we see it as our mission to serve people of all different backgrounds and beliefs.

Should you have any further questions or like to discuss anything in a deeper way, please GG电子官方软件下载!

我很高兴能更多地了解教堂并参与其中! 我该怎么办??

我们很高兴! 第一个, 要知道,不管你的信仰背景或信仰如何, 欢迎你参加我们的任何节目, 组, 事件(你可以找到) 学生团体列表 和我们的 事件日历).

我们还建议你报名参加 牧师办公室每周电子邮件/通讯, which has the most up-to-date info on the happenings at the Chapel (Click “join group” to opt-in to receive the newsletter in your inbox). If you want a printable schedule, you can pick one up at the Chapel or 打印时间表PDF.

最后,我们总是鼓励你安排一个会议 我们的一个牧师. 这是和我们联系的好方法, 让我们了解一下你, 并探讨你可能遇到的任何问题. You are always welcome to email or call us with any questions or concerns too.



很好的问题! 最根本的是, 教堂 is here to support you in wrestling with what it means to be human, 带着所有的问题, 斗争, 和快乐. 当你努力成For你想成For的人时,我们就在你身边, 提供服务, 资源, 咨询, 和联系.

No matter who you are or what you believe, we all want our lives to have meaning and purpose. We want to underst和我们的selves and the world around us and where we fit in. We struggle with questions of belonging and freedom, of identity and how we should act and be. We experience loneliness and grief, we yearn to 爱 and be 爱d, and we hope For a better future. 不管我们是谁, 我们渴望完整和治愈, For了世界和我们社区的正义, For了有安全感.

We believe that religion and spirituality are grounded in these human experiences. They are one profound way we strive to understand and live through them.

We are here to be with you in your journey at GG电子官方软件下载 and support you seeking a life of deeper meaning and 整体 and joy. 无论你是谁,无论你的旅程将把你带到哪里,我们都在这里.


不! 礼拜堂是给所有人的. 有信仰的人会高度投入, 当然, but 教堂 is full of many who don’t consider themselves religious or might not otherwise participate in Formal religious community. These include atheists, agnostics, humanists, seekers, and spiritual but not religious folks.

礼拜堂是For所有追求有意义生活的人而设的, who wonder about their purpose and about where they belong and how they fit in. It is For those wrestling with what is good and ethical, and those with more questions than answers. 它适合任何对学习和成长感兴趣的人, in better understanding themselves and the ways that we can find more happiness, 爱, 与和平. 这是For那些伤心的人准备的, 孤立的, 或者渴望社区, and For those who are outraged at the injustices of the world and want to change it.

For many, these human experiences find expression and answers in a particular religious tradition. For many others, it is a journey that draws from many sources of inspiration and wisdom. 无论你走哪条路,教堂都在你身边.


The chapel proudly serves students but also serves staff, faculty, alumni, and parents. Everyone in the GG电子官方软件下载 community is welcome to participate in chapel programs or speak with a chaplain.


是的! The chapel is unequivocally supportive and welcoming of those who are queer and LGBTQIA+. Discrimination and exclusion are not tolerated in any chapel program, group, or service. 事实上, we celebrate and honor the diversity of our identities and understand them as a pathway to deeper truth, 整体, 和诚实.

通常, 我们教堂团队的很多成员都是同性恋, 教堂 has led services honoring Trans Days of Remembrance and Visibility, 以及全国出柜日, 我们的一个牧师甚至参加了变装真人秀.

Queer students and allies are especially welcome to participate in Queer Spiritz, a group designed to explore the intersection of spirituality and queerness.


任何真正! Our team of chaplains are here to talk through religious and spiritual questions, but also to simply listen if you need to talk and provide 资源 that might be helpful. 也许你的学业或工作让你感到难以承受, 也许一段关系已经结束了, 也许是你的原生家庭给了你压力, 也许有人越界了或者伤害了你. 不管你想谈什么, 我们的牧师在这里关心和支持你,不加评判.

Along with the counselors at Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) services, 你和牧师分享的任何东西都是绝对保密的. 教职员工也欢迎随时与牧师交谈!

The religious tradition I practice doesn’t seem to have a group at GG电子官方软件下载. 我该怎么办??

要做的第一件事就是和牧师谈谈,让他们知道. They may be aware of others of your tradition on campus that might be interested in Forming a group or practicing together. Alternatively, there may be communities outside of GG电子官方软件下载 that we can help you connect with. We are here to explore the options with you and hopefully find some paths Forward.

礼拜堂的外观和声音都像基督教教堂. 它是?

牧师的职务For许多基督徒服务, holding a wide array of services and opportunities to deepen in the Christian faith. 然而, 教堂, 以及更广泛的GG电子官方软件下载, 是多元化和多信仰吗, 平等尊重各种宗教传统.

We work hard to make 教堂 feel like home regardless of a person’s faith background or belief. 在我们的大楼里有一个穆斯林祈祷室, 佛教和印度教的联合冥想空间, 以及天主教和圣公会团体共用的小教堂. Naturalistic banners depicting the seasons and earth hang in the main sanctuary, 和我们的 library offers reading material covering the breadth of the world’s religions.

GG电子官方软件下载成立时是一所公理会学院, a tradition reflected in the English Neo-gothic design of 斯金纳纪念教堂. Later, cooperative arrangements would Form with Baptist and Episcopalian denominations. 然而,今天, no relationship remains between these denominations and the college — beyond a mutual appreciation of a shared past.


斯金纳纪念教堂 is accessible in some ways and in some ways not. 在西北入口有一个无障碍坡道, 哪一个是通往一楼的通道. The basement and second floor are only accessible by stairs, as is the main podium and choral area.

请联系 诺埃尔思考 at (507) 222-5461 要求提供残疾便利(e.g. 手语翻译,替代格式,等等). Two weeks advance notice is necessary to arrange For some accessibility needs.

For those with audio impairment, the following technology is available:
