Director: Austin Mason, Assistant Director of the Humanities Center for the Digital Humanities and Lecturer in History

The evolving field of Digital Humanities uses digital tools and computational methods to enhance arts and humanities research and production, while also using traditional humanistic approaches to interrogate the impact of digital technologies.

Can I major in it?  Currently, no major is offered.

Can I minor in it?  Yes!

How to get started: Students should begin by taking DGAH 110 (formerly IDSC 130) Hacking the Humanities (6 credits) Offered annually, this course features a general introduction to the methods and implications of digital scholarship, as well as hands-on collaborative project work.

Students interested in the digital arts and the humanities minor should consult with the director, ideally early in their sophomore year, to devise a plan to meet the requirements of the program.

Stay up to date with all the news and events connected to digital arts and the humanities by signing up for the DGAH Minors and Friends Google Group.