Photo of Sarah Forster

Sarah Forster ’93

Director of Milestone Reunions, Development Office

After graduating from Carleton in 1993 (political science major, Russian studies concentration), I worked as a policy intern at the Environmental Protection Agency Region V Office of Regional Counsel (thanks Career Center!). I received a masters in public administration from the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and afterward helped establish a small non-profit focused on early childhood education. I directed the non-profit and served as minister of education at First Congregational Church of Minnesota until 2004.

In 2006, I joined Carleton as the director of stewardship, supporting the College’s donor relations and development programs. From 2012 to 2018, I served as director of alumni relations, overseeing Carleton’s alumni engagement efforts.

Since the fall of 2018, I have helped establish a new office of milestone reunions to provide leadership for the 50th and 25th Reunion programs and work with volunteers to drive engagement and giving around these landmark anniversaries. I’m also the proud parent of two current Carls.

At Carleton since 2006.