Carleton’s grading system is as follows:

  • A = Excellent work of consistently high quality, usually showing notable understanding, insight, creativity, or skill and few weaknesses
  • B = Good work of good quality, showing understanding, insight, creativity, or skill
  • C = Satisfactory work that is adequate, showing readiness to continue study in the field
  • D = Passing work that is minimally adequate, raising serious concern about readiness to continue in the field, creditable
  • F = Failing work that is clearly inadequate, unworthy of credit

During your four years at Carleton, you may elect to take up to 30 credits S/CR/NC (Satisfactory/Credit/No Credit), and only up to six credits in any one term.

  • S = A through C- 
  • CR = D+, D, or D-
  • NC = F

DRP Grades

Courses dropped after the registration drop/add period are recorded on the transcript as “DRP”. This is a non-punitive notation; it does not reflect poorly on your coursework for that course. The Academic Standing Committee (ASC) regards the DRP as a valid elective option for a student in cases where a course cannot be completed for a variety of reasons as well as in cases where students have simply missed the registration deadline. Petitions to remove a DRP notation from the transcript are not usually granted.


Written Evaluations of Course Work

At the end of any course, you may request a written evaluation from your instructor. As long as the course has an enrollment of 20 or fewer students, your instructor must provide you with one.

FAQs about Grades

How is my GPA calculated?

The GPA is calculated by dividing total grade points by the number of graded credits attempted. Courses with S/Cr/NC and transfer work do not factor in.

How do I get my grades?

You can get your grades online via the Hub, using the link “Grades by Term,” after the grading deadline. 

What is a CI grade? Or an X grade? Or an L grade?

  • CI grades are only used for the Integrative Exercise (comps). Any time comps is not completed in one term the major department will give a CI grade; however, the department is not required to submit any comps grade until the Monday following the seventh Friday of spring term, so you may see a CI grade even if you have completed your comps.
  • An X grade is posted when an instructor has not submitted their grades. It will be changed as soon as the grade is received from the instructor. 
  • An L grade is posted when you have successfully completed a lab science course. The L is posted for the lab itself.

See Carleton’s grading policy for more information.

My parents moved. How do I let you know my new home address and phone number?

You can change your address by sending an email to:

What is a “Directory Hold?” How do I get my information restricted? Or get the restriction removed?

Certain information (Directory information) is publicly available unless you request otherwise. 

For instance, if someone (an insurer, an old friend, a current or potential employer, or anyone who might be curious) calls up and asks if Johan Smith is a student at Carleton, we can either confirm or deny that, as well as provide whatever information is available on the college directory. This may include your e-mail address and telephone number. 

If you request a directory suppress, you will not show up on the online directory and we will not release any information regarding your status at Carleton. We cannot answer questions about you if you’ve requested a directory suppress, unless it is for internal use.

Do you want a directory suppress or to have one removed? Contact the Dean of Student Office.

How do I declare a major or a minor?

During your sixth term at Carleton you will be asked to declare a major on the Hub. Registration for your seventh term will be held if you have not declared by that time. 

If you are interested in a minor you can add one up until the second week of your tenth term. You will need to complete a Declaration of Minor form to declare the Minor. This form will require the signature of the Minor Coordinator and your adviser, and need to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

What is a minor?

In addition to the mandatory major, Carleton students may elect to complete a minor as part of their academic program. 

A minor represents either an integrated disciplinary or an interdisciplinary program of study that may strengthen and complement a major, but a student pursuing any major can potentially pursue a minor in a different discipline. 

  • Disciplinary minors recognize the students acquisition of in-depth knowledge of a single discipline; 
  • Interdisciplinary minors recognize the completion of a program of study that links and integrates multiple academic disciplines. 

Minors are also intended to promote communities of learning and may offer opportunities to relate academic studies to issues that students confront outside of Carleton. See a list of current minors.

Can I taken an exam and get evaluated for my Foreign Language Requirement or can I meet the requirement by transferring credits?

Information for new students about language placement at Carleton can be found on the New Students website. Current students interested in taking the placement exam should contact the respective language department. Current students interested in a possible language exemption should contact the Associate Provost.

Can I get credit for AP & IB?

Yes, the full policies are detailed in the Academic Catalog under Prior Credit Policies.

Can I get credit for college-level work done while I was still in high school?

It’s possible. You should have the Official Transcript from that institution sent directly to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation. You can transfer a maximum of 36 credits of prematriculation work to Carleton.