The IDE Steering Group met with President Steve Poskanzer on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, to formally launch the IDE Planning process. The effort was intentionally planned to continue into the fall of 2021, so that Carleton’s 12th president, Alison Byerly, would have a meaningful opportunity to put her own stamp on the final plan.

Our group’s first order of business was to hire a consultant skilled at helping organizations achieve inclusion, diversity, and equity. We believe our learning, evaluations, deliberations, and eventual choices will benefit from a fresh, external assessment that comes from outside the college. We chose Cambridge Hill Partners for this partnership.

With the help of Cambridge Hill Partners, we have developed an IDE planning process that is transparent and inclusive and draws upon the experiences and perspectives of the entire Carleton community. This process includes opportunities to hear the voices of all our stakeholders: students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and friends of the college. Including these diverse voices will help ensure that the final plan will have greater impact and legitimacy.

We will provide opportunities for you to share your thoughts and ideas throughout the planning process. Stay tuned.

Jeninne McGee
Jeninne McGee ’85
Chico Zimmerman
Chico Zimmerman

The Steering Group leading the IDE Planning effort is co-chaired by Trustee Jeninne McGee ’85 and Professor Chico Zimmerman (Classics). Other members of the group include:

  • Associate Professor Cherlon Ussery (Linguistics)
  • Trustee Alison von Klemperer ’82 P’16
  • Director of TRIO/SSS Trey Williams (Forum)
  • Administrative Assistant to Director of the Arts and THDN Sally Bell Pierce (SAC)
  • Student Maya Rogers ’22
  • Multicultural Alumni Network Board Chair Jennifer Lopez ’02
  • Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Art Rodriguez ’96
  • Vice President for External Relations Tommy Bonner

The co-chairs of the CEDI Leadership Board and the remaining members of the Tuesday Group will be “floating members” who will participate periodically in steering group meetings.